new texasshooting top banner

  • 1 Don't Miss SASS' 2015 "End of Trail!"
  • 2 Pan Handle Gets a New Action Pistol Match
  • 3 Firearm safety and proficiency training for juniors.
  • 4 Open-Carry of handguns returns to Texas after 140 years.
  • 5 "Campus-Carry" will be legal on Aug. 1, 2016.
  • 6 How to Build Your Club or Match.
  • 7 Safety Through Education and training.
  • 8 Hill County Gun Club: Fall Seminar Schedule released.

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Build your club, range, match or training business.

Shooting magazine & community.

Join us and become a part of the focal point for firearms & shooting in Texas.

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How-To Tips

  • Pistol Rack for Your Safe
    Written by
    It is easy to store semi-auto pistols in a gun safe using traditional racks that store the gun in the muzzle-up position.  However, these racks do not work very well for revolvers since the measurement between the top of the…
    Written on %PM, %30 %959 %2015 %17:%Apr in How-To-Tips Read 24828 times
  • Magazine Fix
    Written by
    I have about 40 or so .45 ACP magazines, with the majority being Chip McCormick Shooting Stars and Power Mags, with a few Wilsons mixed in. I number my mags. so I can identify any that are giving me trouble.…
    Written on %PM, %30 %952 %2015 %16:%Apr in How-To-Tips Read 20595 times

bigstock Austin Texas Senate Chamber 9799478Make the your go-to website for all things shooting-related in Texas.  We’re not only going to be a great online magazine, we going to be your best resource for everything you want to know about guns, shooting, matches, events, training and much much more! is also an online community for people who want have a presence in the Texas shooting community.  It’s almost like having a Facebook page that’s dedicated to shooting in Texas.  Post your own articles, photos, videos, or simply keep up with your fellow gun/shooting enthusiasts. 

Check back often to see what is going on and what’s on the horizon, whether your interest is informal plinking, match shooting, serious self-defense training and equipment, or a combination of all of these activities.  In the coming weeks and months, we plan to add additional resources to help you find everything from shooting clubs and matches that interest you, to the best deals in town on guns, ammo, reloading supplies and more.

Range owners, club officers and match directors should read the article Get Involved” and see what can do to help you grow by publicizing your events, and to streamline event/match registration. 

Welcome to the new and thanks for dropping by.

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